The Eco Toilet Brush

Change to eco friendly

Change to eco friendly

Online retailer Greenfeet have gone environmental friendly and created the ‘Eco Friendly Toilet Brush.’


The toilet brush itself if made of biodegradable coir, which was made from  coconut shells. The fibre is one that is resistant to salt water damage, looking to leave your toilet clean and sparkling.

The normal plastic handle is replaced with a wooden. This allows the brush to be functional and attractive.


Sadly,  the product can be purchased online off the ‘Greenfeet’ website, NOT tothe UK. People who have already brought the product have reviewed it as “eco friendly” and being a “wondeful alternative.”

This DOES leave room for similar products to be created?


Environmental industry companies within the UK can create similar products. We can better all aspects of the environment around us.

‘GreenFeet’ has started the change, lets see if toiletry industries can pick up the same ideas. Changing the environment in all areas.

~ by staycee1 on March 16, 2009.

6 Responses to “The Eco Toilet Brush”

  1. Great site this and I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  2. Thank you very much Amouffege.

    I am glad that this post interests you and I hope both my content and the links to various other works will be beneficial.

    Also if you have anything to add or any ideas they will be appreciated.

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    This is a website about Birmingham (UK) environment. You may find some useful information that will interest you.

    Over the next two weeks I will be updating my blog with more stories.

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  3. great site this excellent to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  4. Hi Stacey.

    Just wanted to say that ‘YES’ we do ship to the UK and have some very reasonable international shipping rates. Therefore, if your visitors cannot find an eco-friendly toilet brush in the UK, they can most certainly pick ours up for a song.

    Thanks for mentioning us!
    Valerie Reddemann

  5. Thank you Valerie, for visiting my blog and this particular blog entry.
    I hope that people who visit this blog entry and want to invest in an eco toilet brush will be in touch 🙂

  6. […] purchased from the Greenfeet website and delivered to people in the UK. President of, Valerie Reddemann said; “YES we do ship to the UK and have some very reasonable international shipping […]

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